Statistics suggest that more people believe in the afterlife than they believe in God. This is why near-death experiences (NDE) have been more and more used as arguments to support the idea of the immortality of the soul and thus promote the claims of spiritualism. In this book, joining the poignant testimony of persons who have undergone near-death experiences, an international team of scientists and philosophers analyze this phenomenon and reach a different conclusion. In addition, a careful study of the Bible provides spiritual guidance in that discussion. Through the Valley of the Shadow denounces the fallacy of some popular ideas and brings hope in our confrontation with the greatest enemy of humankind.
This book will surely help people come to a better understanding of the nature and reality of death but, even more importantly, the hope we can have in the face of it.Clifford Goldstein—Author and General Editor – Sabbath School Quarterly – General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Near-death experiences (NDEs) and out-of-body experiences (OBEs) raise a variety of reflections: for some people, it is phenomena of diabolical origin: for others, it is proof of life after death. This book presents medical, neuroscientific, philosophical, theological, and biblical studies that make it possible to rationally and scientifically understand those phenomena which are neither diabolical nor the proof of survival in death. It is an exciting book to read! Roland Meyer—Professor of Systematic Theology – Faculté Adventiste de Théologie, Adventist University of France, Collonges-sous-Salève
This splendid publication is a unique, needed, and welcome understanding of a puzzling phenomenon. A balanced biblical interpretation of the afterlife is presented by avoiding the trap of falling into Greek dualistic philosophy. The various treatments of the near-death experiences are the best on the market. I strongly recommend this study to anyone who wants to know what the Bible says on this attractive theme. Jirí Moskala—Dean – Seventh-Day Adventist Theological Seminary – Professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Theology – Andrews University
This book provides answers that many people are looking for. It is not only a very interesting and informative read, but the indispensable value of the book is found in the fact that it evaluates the NDE from the perspective of the One who holds the keys of life and afterlife in His own hands. The One who was dead and has risen and said: “I Am the Resurrection and the Life.” Artur A. Stele—General Vice President – General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church.
Data sheet
- 9788472087323
- 14-7 x 23-0
- 112